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WCTractor's mission is to be the best in the eyes of our customers, employees, community, and industry, and to reflect honesty, integrity and Christian standards and values in all we do.
Washington County Tractor, Inc. began as a Ford tractor dealership in 1939. Until 2002, it existed as a single location in Brenham, Texas. From 2002-2013, five additional locations were added and from 2015-2018 three more locations joined the group 2020 to 2024 five more locations joined. In Brenham, Washington County Tractor, Inc., WCTractor, and WCT Outdoors sell a variety of agricultural, construction and lawn and garden equipment, utility vehicles and trailers. In Bryan, Navasota, Sealy, Temple, Dayton, Waco, Normangee, Lufkin, Nacogdoches, Jasper and Waco locations provide these same products.
Since 1939, a number of local families have owned and operated the business, including the Cades, Kankels, Quinns, Koehnes, Jensens, and now Wackmans. Local active family ownership has been instrumental in the company’s ongoing efforts to make its mission statement a reality every day.
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